
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

DIY Makeup Organizer

Hello.. kak jems nak share few ideas kak jems jumpe kt mr. Gugel. Diy makeup storage..
Which i think its quite smart jugak. U dont have to spent a lot then its up to you. Kau nak terbalik ke tertongeng ke. Haaa
Lets get started! *pusing2 jari mcm magician*
Kak jems suke yg pkai tmpr pinggan tu. Hahahaha ngamok mak aku.
Yang ni kalau rase confident xde gergasi kt umah nk ketuk dinding

Yang ni kak jems suke

Idaman! Please naaaaaa
Ikea kitchen trolley.  
Kak jems beli ni jd makeup trolley. Cantik nau nak letak kt dapur. 

Toodles Noodles 

Hello Beauty Blender :)

Hello Beauty Blender. 

So it happen, kawan kak jems introduce benda alah ni last two weeks. Kak jems masa nikah make up sendiri so ape lg and x sempat nk beli sbb dekat Luxola dea mcm lmbt sikit delivery like 2- 3 days bru smpi mase tu x dan la. then akak pun pinjam la dekat dea *thanks pah, COL sikit*. 

Well akak rasa x rugi beli la sbb me likey! like seriously it just make your life easier and lepas beli tu akak pun google la mcm mne nk pkai basuh and what not and thank you 

Actually beauty blender ni not only for foundation tapi utk contouring and highlighting pun boleh lagi pigment and u will get your air brush look gitu. Flawless bak ang. Rase menyesal kenapa la x beli awal2 lagi. hmmmm.... which is x rugi kalau beli just agak mahal la. At this moment belum try yg dupe pnye lg but im pretty sure, dea punya finishing look will not be the same la kot. * tu yang akak baca la* 

Since kak jems pkai beauty blender ni make up i iols like tahan more than 8hours kalau x sebelum ni, x sampai setengah hari dah cakey so kne touch la ape la and muka nampak sgt kering but with this BB kan i rse mcm muka i moist je and it give dewy finish gitu. 

FYI, how good this product uols kena la jage yer. like lepas pkai tu directly cuci and air dry. so ranjin kan diri kalau xnak rerama keluar dr poket anda. Kalau x tau mcm mne nk pkai sile tanya encik gugel dea mesti tahu.. Serba tau pakcik sorang ni. 

Worth of buying la! 

Next time nk try solid cleanser beautyblender! 

How to wash your beauty blender 

How to use your beauty blender 

Where to buy?!!

Toodles Noodles. 

Asalamuailaikum :)

Hello gorgeous! 

Haaa Blog lama mek lupe password so iols create new acc *nasib free*. Sebagai mukadimah kak jems akan bercerite pasal suke hati akak la nak cerita ape?  I think i will stick to my make up review. Even tak de sape nak baca at least aku luahkan perasaan aku yg membuak2 ni. 

A lot of things happen this past few month, like literally bnyk gile. Dugaan..Dugaan *smbil duduk bawah pokok* tapi alhamdulillah. 

So kak jems get married gitu.. haaa malas nk upload gambar sbb aku hapload org ngata aku x hapload pun orang kate. so kak jems simpan je la utk diri sendiri.  then kak jems tuka keje, mak ai new enviroment gitu but so far kak jems enjoy keje kat situ sbb boss kite baik and sgt understanding * HI SUE, I LOVE YOU* tapi keje berlambak2 uols. x menang tangan and x sempat bernafas *tangan octopus* 

So kak jems decide blog ni kak jems nk share recipe and make up and what not la. hehehehe. rse cam blogger sgt! hahahaha. 


Toodles Noodles